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Vitamins Water Soluble

Vitamins Water Soluble, There are nine water-soluble vitamins. The B vitamins folate, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and vitamin C. Deficiency of any of these water-soluble vitamins results in a clinical syndrome that may result in severe morbidity and mortality.

Vitamins Other Names Active Form Functions Deficiency Sign & Symptoms Toxicity Notes
Vitamin B9 Also Known as Folic acid Tetrahydro folic acid Transfer one carbon unit Synthesis of methionine serine, purine nude slides, and thymine monophosphate Megaloblastic, anemia, neural, and tube defects Anemia, Birth defects None Administration of high Levels of folate can mark vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B12 Cobalamin Methylcobalamin, Deoxyadenosyl cobalamin Co-enzymes for reaction, Homelystine, methionine methyl malonyl CoA Succinyl LOA Pernicious anemia Dementia Spinal degeneration Megaloblastic Arteria and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms None Pernicious anemia is treated with Intramuscular or high-dose oral vitamin
Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid Ascorbic acid Antioxidant, Coenzyme for hydroxylation reactions, for example In Procollagen: Proline hydroxy Proline.
Lysine hydro lysine
Scurvy Sore, spongy Jums, loose teeth! Poor wound healing, Bleeding, None Benefits of supplement not established in controlled trails
Vitamin B6 Pyridoxomine Pyridoxa
Pyridoxal Phosphate Coenzymes for enzymes Particularly in amino acid metabolism Rare Glossitis Neuropathy Yes Deficiency can be induced by isonized Sensory neuropathy occurs at high doses
Vitamin B1 Thiamine Thiamine Pyrophosphate Coenzymes of enzyme, ketoglutrate Succinglass, Ribose 5-P+ xylulose 5-P, Sedoheptulose 7-P+ Glyceraldehyde 3-P, Branched-chand-keto, and oxidation Beri beri, Wernicke, Karsokoff Syndrome (most Common alcoholism) Peripheral neuropathy (dry form), edema and cardiomys apathy (wet form), ataxia Confusion, memory Loss, hallucinations, None ———-
Niacin Nicotinic
acid, Nicotinamide,
NAD, NADP, Electron transfer Pellagra Dermatitis Diarrhea Dementia None High dose of niacin used to treat,
Aitamin B2 Ribaflarin FMN, FAD Electron transfer Rare Dermatitis, Angular stomatitis None ———-
Biotin ———- Enzyme -bound biotin Carboxylation reactions Rare Dermatitis None consumption of Large amounts of raw egg
whides (which contains fatein, a vidin, that
binds biotin can induce a biotin deficiency
Pantothenie acid ———- Coenzyme A Acyl Carrier Rare ———- None ———-

By Mehfooz Ali

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