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Myoglobin Blood Test

Myoglobin Blood Test, A myoglobin test measures the amount of myoglobin, a protein found in your skeletal and heart muscles, in your blood or urine High levels generally indicate muscle damage though, the test cannot determine the cause or location of the muscle damage. Myoglobin is an oxygen Binding Muscle pain. It is present in cardiac and skeletal muscles.

The function of Myoglobin:

Its main function is to supply oxygen to the Cells in muscles (myocytes). All cells in your body need oxygen to function. They use oxygen to convert stored. Energy It provides oxygen to working muscles.

Reference Range of Myoglobin:

  • 25 to 72 ng/mL
  • Or
  • 1.28 to 3.67 mmol/L

Symptoms of Myoglobin:

Symptoms of muscles injury and damage include,

  • Muscle pain
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Fever
  • Fatigue Nausea and Vomiting
  • Abdominal Pain

Causes Of Myoglobin:

Causes of High Myoglobin Levels:

Diagnostic Importance of Myoglobin Test:

Very useful in diagnoses of Myocardial Infarction, Useful test for diagnosing skeletal and cardiac muscle destruction. Predict the onset of polymyositis.

How to Perform This Test:

Procedure: (Blood Sample)

Take a Sample by inserting a needle when the vein is prominent. Collect the 3 to 5ml blood Sample in Gel Tube or Red Top Tube. Centrifuge the blood sample and separate the serum оr plasma. And with that, you can perform the test on the device.

By Mehfooz Ali

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