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D-Xylose Absorption Test

D-Xylose Absorption Test, D-Xylose is called Xylose. It is a simple sugar that is easily absorbed by the intestine and excreted in the urine. D-xylose is not found normally in blood. It is not metabolized by the body, meaning its serum levels are direct reflections of intestinal absorption of the substance. This test evaluates the patient with symptoms of malabsorption, weakness, and diarrhea.

The function of D-Xylose?

  • If inhibit a rise in blood glucose levels in diabetic patients to prevent.
  • D-Xylose is used as a diagnostic agent to observe malabsorption.

Normal Range of D-Xylose in Blood

  • Adult: 21 mg/dL
  • Less than 13 years of age: Greater than 20 mg/dL

Causes of High D-Xylose in Blood

  1. Scleroderma
  2. Hodgkin Disease
  3. The patient is on radiation therapy

Causes of Low D-Xylose in Blood

  1. Malabsorption Syndrome
  2. Whipple Disease
  3. Celiac Disease
  4. Giardiasis
  5. Hookworm Infection
  6. Crohn’s Disease
  7. Intestine Inflammation
  8. Viral Gastroenteritis

Test Procedure

  • Obtain 12 hours of fasting blood samples, and collect 3 to 5 mL samples in a test tube.
  • Collect a first voided morning urine specimen.
  • Label these specimens and them to the laboratory.
  • Give the patient 25 grams of D- Xylose dissolved in 100 mL of water, followed by an additional 240 mL of water.
  • Record the time of D-Xylose ingestion.
  • A blood sample is taken after 2 hours and then again 5 hours after drinking the water.
  • Collect the sample in a test tube.

Why Do I Need a D-Xylose Absorption Test?

Here are some reasons why you might need a D-xylose absorption test:

  1. Malabsorption disorders: The D-xylose absorption test is often used to evaluate malabsorption disorders, such as celiac disease, tropical sprue, or certain types of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. Malabsorption refers to the inability of the digestive system to properly absorb nutrients from the food you eat.
  2. Unexplained diarrhea or weight loss: If you have chronic diarrhea, unexplained weight loss, or other gastrointestinal symptoms, your healthcare provider may recommend a D-xylose absorption test to help identify the underlying cause.
  3. Monitoring treatment effectiveness: For individuals with known malabsorption disorders, the D-xylose absorption test can be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and dietary interventions. It can help determine whether the condition is improving or worsening over time.
  4. Gastric bypass surgery evaluation: People who have undergone gastric bypass surgery may undergo the D-xylose absorption test to assess the function of their gastrointestinal tract after the procedure. This can help healthcare providers identify potential complications or nutritional deficiencies.
  5. Research purposes: In some cases, researchers may use the D-xylose absorption test as part of clinical studies or trials to gather data on specific gastrointestinal conditions or treatment outcomes.

Here’s how the D-xylose absorption test typically works:

During the test, you are given a specific amount of D-xylose, a naturally occurring sugar that is not metabolized by the body but is readily absorbed in the small intestine. After ingesting the D-xylose solution, your healthcare provider will collect urine samples over a specific period. The concentration of D-xylose in your urine can indicate how well your small intestine is absorbing this sugar.

If the D-xylose absorption test shows that you have impaired absorption of D-xylose, it may suggest an underlying issue with your small intestine’s ability to absorb nutrients, which could be indicative of a malabsorption disorder.


By Mehfooz Ali

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