Blood UreaBlood Urea

Blood Urea

Blood Urea test is a blood test that measure the amount of Urea in your blood. Urea is the end product of protein metabolism and is formed in the liver and is formed by combining ammonia and carbon dioxide. And it is excreted through the kidneys. Urea in the blood can be high due to the following reasons.

If protein breakdown is high and amino acids are not used properly, which are used to make new proteins. For example, in acute conditions of many diseases, there is no use other than to regenerate proteins. And the resulting nitrogen is converted into urea. Gross liver disease can make urea. In these patients, the urea level falls to a certain extent, so there are some elements that are involved when the urea is low.

  • Gender
  • age
  • And protein

Urea in serum is hydrolyzed to ammonia in the presence of the enzyme urease, which is measured spectrophotometrically.

Blood Urea

Is This Test Have Other Name:

Blood Urea, Urea, BUN, Renal Function Test, RFT.

How The Test Is Performed:

A Blood Sample is needed, Serum, Heparin-mixed plasma, And diluted Urine Sample.

Clinical Interpretation:

The concentration of urea in red blood cells is higher than in plasma and this is because some of the urea is bound to hemoglobin. In a normal person who is taking a normal diet, the normal amount of urea in the blood is 14-50mg/dl. In the USA, urea is determined as blood urea nitrogen and then converted to urea using the formula. Any blood urea nitrogen result is multiplied by 4.28 and the urea reading is obtained. 4.28 actually comes as 60 divided by 14. 60 is the molecular weight of urea. While 14 is the atomic weight of nitrogen.

Pre-Renal Causes:

Due to lack of water and salt, catabolism of protein becomes too much.

  • Acute Glomerulonephritis
  • Chronic Nephrotic Syndrome
  • If too many cysts form in the kidney
  • If Vitamin D is taken in excess in the diet, the amount of urea in the blood also increases
  • In Acute Glomerulus and Nephrotic syndrome it reaches 420-720 mg/dl

Post Renal Causes:

If there is a break in the Urinary Tract, then the quantity of urea also increases and this happens in the following reasons.

Why Need a Blood Urea Test:

If You have a kidney dieses, or symptoms,

Blood Urea

What Do The Result Means:

Normal level of Blood Urea Very, But High levels in your blood sample usually mean your kidneys aren’t working normally. High level of Blood Urea also caused by dehydration, Burns, and may High Protein diet.

By Mehfooz Ali

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