Bilirubin TestBilirubin Test

Bilirubin Test

Bilirubin Test is a blood test that measure the level of bilirubin in blood. Bilirubin is a yellow substance that made during the breakdown of RBCs, red blood cells. Bilirubin test helps to find the cause Jaundice, Anemia, and liver dieses. Bilirubin measure the how much bilirubin your blood. Bilirubin also part of Liver Function Test. Liver take the bilirubin in blood, If your liver is healthy liver will remove bilirubin from your body.

Bilirubin Test

There are three types of Bilirubin.

  1. Bilirubin Total
  2. Conjugated (direct) bilirubin
  3. Unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin

How The Test Performed

A blood sample, or urine sample needed.

Why The Test Performed

Investigate jaundice, or If you have symptoms like hepatitis, Jaundice, dark urine, stomach pain, cirrhosis and Newborn babies, especially preemies, often have high bilirubin levels and might need a bilirubin test. In children and adults doctor use to diagnose or monitor liver and bile dieses. Level of bilirubin in the blood of 2.0 mg/dL create jaundice. Jaundice is a yellow colour in the skin and eyes. Bilirubin order when the Doctor suspect a person has liver, hepatitis or gallbladder problem. Have a history of heavy drinking.

What Do The Result Means

Bilirubin test result expressed as Direct Bilirubin, Indirect Bilirubin, Total Bilirubin. Total bilirubin is combination of Direct and Indirect Bilirubin. A normal level of Bilirubin is 1.2 milligrams per deciliter mg/dL in blood and normal Result of Direct and Indirect Bilirubin is 0.3 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Some labs use different measurements or may test different samples.

Bilirubin Test

Abnormal Results Mean

In newborns, bilirubin level is higher for the first few days of life. Your child’s provider must consider the following when deciding whether your baby’s bilirubin level is too high:

How fast the level has been rising
Whether the baby was born early
The baby’s age

Jaundice can also occur when red blood cells are broken down. This can be caused by:

A blood disorder called erythroblastosis fetalis
A red blood cell disorder called hemolytic anemia
Transfusion reaction in which red blood cells that were given in a transfusion are destroyed by the person’s immune system

The following liver problems may also cause jaundice or a high bilirubin level:

Scarring of the liver (cirrhosis)
Swollen and inflamed liver (hepatitis)
Other liver disease
Disorder in which bilirubin is not processed normally by the liver (Gilbert disease)

The following problems with gallbladder or bile ducts may cause higher bilirubin levels:

Abnormal narrowing of the common bile duct (biliary stricture)
Cancer of the pancreas or gallbladder

By Mehfooz Ali

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