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Bells Palsy

Bells Palsy is a sudden weakness or paralysis on one side of the face. It is caused by inflammation or damage to the facial nerve. It is usually temporary. Bell’s palsy is a disorder that results from the dysfunction of the cranial nerve Vll, the facial nerve. The onset of this condition is rapid usually progressing to maximum severity within 72 hours. At the same time, there can be several causes of facial weakness or paralysis that caused Bells.

Causes and Risk factors:

Symptoms of Bell’s Palsy:

The symptoms of Bells Palsy can vary from case to case in both form and severity, but the most common symptom is rapidly developing;

  • Difficulty in eating and drinking
  • The problem is smiling and making a facial expression
  • Weakness on one side of the face
  • Drooping of one side mouth
  • Inability to completely close the eye
  • Tearing and pain in the eye
  • Loss of sense of tests
  • Dry eyes and mouth
  • Hypersensitivity of the sound
  • Drooling

Diagnosis of Bells Palsy:

Palsy is unknown, and diagnosis is made by ruling out other potential causes like Lyme disease, trauma, tumors, etc. In other words, Bell’s Palsy is only diagnosed when there is no other identified cause of the facial paralysis.

Treatment of Bells Palsy:

  1. Corticosteriod (Dexamethasone)
  2. Antiviral agents (acyclovir)
  3. Eye drops
  4. Facial Aids
  5. Balance Diet

  1. What is Bell’s Palsy?
    • Bell’s Palsy is a sudden, temporary weakness or paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face, caused by inflammation of the facial nerve.
  2. What are the symptoms of Bell’s Palsy?
    • Symptoms include sudden weakness or paralysis on one side of the face, drooping of the mouth or eyelid, loss of the sense of taste, and increased sensitivity to sound in one ear.
  3. What causes Bell’s Palsy?
    • The exact cause is often unknown, but it’s believed to be related to viral infections, particularly the herpes simplex virus.
  4. Is Bell’s Palsy contagious?
    • No, Bell’s Palsy itself is not contagious. It is often triggered by a viral infection, but the condition itself is not spread from person to person.
  5. Can stress cause Bell’s Palsy?
    • While stress is not a direct cause, it is considered a possible factor that may contribute to the reactivation of viruses linked to Bell’s Palsy.
  6. How is Bell’s Palsy diagnosed?
    • Diagnosis is based on symptoms and a physical examination. Sometimes, additional tests such as blood tests, MRI, or electromyography may be performed to rule out other possible causes.
  7. Is there a cure for Bell’s Palsy?
    • There is no specific cure, but most people with Bell’s Palsy recover fully. Treatment may include medications like corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and physical therapy to improve muscle strength and coordination.
  8. How long does it take to recover from Bell’s Palsy?
    • Recovery time varies, but most people start to see improvement within a few weeks. Complete recovery may take several months.
  9. Can Bell’s Palsy reoccur?
    • While rare, some people may experience more than one episode of Bell’s Palsy.
  10. What can a person with Bell’s Palsy do to speed up recovery?
    • Rest, medications, as prescribed by a doctor, facial exercises, and physiotherapy, can help speed up recovery. Protecting the affected eye from drying out is also important.
  11. Can Bell’s Palsy affect other parts of the body?
    • Generally, Bell’s Palsy only affects the facial muscles. It doesn’t affect other body parts.

By Mehfooz Ali

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