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Ascites is an abnormally increased volume of peritoneal fluid in spaces within the abdomen is called Ascites. Ascites fluid is always formed due to disease conditions. As fluid collects in the abdomen that can affect your Lungs, Liver, kidney, and other organs. The extra fluid makes your belly swell.

Signs or symptoms of Ascites:

Ascites are usually the feeling of a ballooning belly, fullness, and weight gain. The other sign and symptoms of Ascites disease include:

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Back Pain
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Bloating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Heartburn
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Constipation
  • Swelling in ankles

Causes Of Ascites:

The main problems are usually caused by another Condition:

Diagnosis OF Ascites:

Usually, Doctors recommended tests if you have the same causes and Symptoms:

Treatment of Ascites:

If the person has Ascites disease doctor recommends the Patient some treatment tips.

  • Avid Salt Intake
  • Avoid Alcohol
  • Use of Diorites (Lasix, Aldactone)
  • Paracentesis
  • Avoid medicines and supplements which is containing Potassium (K)
  • Use salt low liquid diet

By Mehfooz Ali

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