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Cyclosporiasis Disease

Cyclosporiasis Disease, Cyclosporiasis is caused by the unicellular Protist Cyclospora Cyclosporiasis (Previously known as the cyanobacterium -body). The disease is most common in tropical and subtropical environments, although it has been reported in most countries. Cyclosporiasis is an intestinal illness caused by the microscopic parasite cyclospora cay metagenesis. People can become infected with cyclospora by Consuming food or water contaminated. with the parasite. Cyclosporiasis was first identified in 1979. People living or traveling in countries where Cyclosporiasis is endemic may be at increased risk for infection.

Transmission of Cyclosporiasis:

Cyclospora is spread by people ingesting something:

  • Food or water-contaminated
  • Contaminated with feces (stool)

Cyclospora needs time at least 1-2 weeks after being passed in bowel movement it becomes infectious for another person.

Symptoms of Cyclosporiasis:

  • Loss of appetites’
  • Cramps and bloating (due to gas Production)
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever and fatigue
  • Weight Loss
  • Increased gas

Diagnosis of Cyclosporiasis:

Laboratory diagnosis of Cyclosporiasis is by the identification of oocysts in feces. Identification may require several specimens over several days.

Prevention of Cyclosporiasis:

The Prevention of Cyclosporiasis is:

Cyclosporiasis Disease

Treatment of Cyclosporiasis:

By Mehfooz Ali

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