HDL CholesterolHDL Cholesterol

HDL Cholesterol is a test that measures the amount of HDL cholesterol in your blood. HDL is formed in the liver and also in the intestines and plays an important role in transporting cholesterol from cells to the liver where cholesterol is removed from the body. HDL level is high in coronary heart disease.

HDL Cholesterol

Is This Test Have Other Name:

HDL Cholesterol, HDL Level, Lipid Profile, Lipid Panel.

How The HDL Cholesterol Test Is Performed:

A Blood Sample Needed.

Clinical interpretation:

HDL plasma is a small particle of lipoprotein. And consists of 50% protein 20% cholesterol and 30% phospholipids. There is a strong negative correlation between coronary artery disease and HDL cholesterol. Some authors also write that the level of HDL increases within 24 hours of myocardial infarction. Some medications lower HDL levels compared to Non-Smokers and physical exercise. The relationship between total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol can also be defined in this way.

Total Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol Risk of CHD
Increased Decreased High Risk
Normal or Decreased Decreased Higher
Normal or Decreased Increased Lower Risk than Expected
Due to Increased HDL Cholesterol

Principle of HDL Cholesterol:

The fractions of low-density lipoprotein and chylomicrons are precipitated if phosphotungstic acid is added to them in the presence of magnesium ions and after centrifugation the fraction of HDL comes to the upper part which is called supernatant.

Nowadays there is a lot of automation, There have been many simplifications in applying tests. But the manual method of HDL cholesterol is as follows:

Manual Procedure:
  Reagent Blank Standard Sample
Distilled Water 1000 ul ———- ——–
Supernatant ——– ———- 1000 ul
Standard ——– 1000 ul ——–
Reagent 1000 ul 1000 ul 1000 ul

Then mix them and incubate them for 5 minutes at 37°C and take the reading of the sample and standard within 60 minutes.

HDL Cholesterol


The normal range of HDL is,

  At Risk Desirable
Male: Less Than 40 mg/dl 60 mg/dl or above
Female: Less Than 50 mg/dl 60 mg/dl or above

What can affect HDL levels?

Taking certain medicines can lower HDL levels in some people. They include:
  • Beta-blockers, a type of blood pressure medicine
  • Anabolic steroids, including testosterone, a male hormone
  • Progestins, which are female hormones that are in some birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy
  • Benzodiazepines, sedatives that are often used for anxiety and insomnia

By Mehfooz Ali

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4 thoughts on “HDL Cholesterol”
  1. […] total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (often referred to as “bad” cholesterol), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (“good” cholesterol), and triglycerides can provide information about […]

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